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complete coating solutions

Quality Award DAF Trucks for Perfect Coat

Congratulations to Perfect Coat for receiving a quality award from DAF Trucks for the third consecutive year, achieving a remarkable 10 parts per million (ppm) standard!

daf-quality-award-2023-image-(1)-4 DAF quality award 2023

This recognition highlights Perfect Coat’s commitment to delivering exceptional quality in its products and services. Receiving a quality award for three years in a row demonstrates consistent dedication to maintaining high standards and continuously improving processes.

Perfect Coat’s success in attaining this award reflects the organization’s focus on quality control, rigorous testing, and adherence to stringent quality standards. It showcases the company’s dedication to meeting and exceeding customer expectations while delivering reliable and defect-free products.

Perfect Coat would like to thank all their employees for their contributions and hard work that led to this remarkable achievement.


We use our specialist knowledge and expertise to devise solutions for the optimal coating of your products.